SILAMPARITV.CO.ID- Bagi para siswa kelas 11 SMA yang sedang belajar Bahasa Inggris dalam Kurikulum Merdeka, latihan soal dan kunci jawaban dapat menjadi referensi untuk memahami materi dengan lebih baik.
Pembahasan ini disusun agar siswa dapat terlebih dahulu mencoba mengerjakan soal secara mandiri sebelum memeriksa kunci jawaban yang tersedia. Dengan cara ini, mereka dapat mengukur sejauh mana pemahaman terhadap materi yang telah dipelajari. Dilansir dari kanal YouTube Media Pembelajaran, berikut ini merupakan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 SMA halaman 126 yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pembelajaran tambahan. BACA JUGA:Pemkot Lubuklinggau Akan Cairkan THR dan Gaji ke-13 ASN pada Minggu Ketiga Ramadan BACA JUGA:Wakil Bupati Musi Rawas Tinjau Lokasi Banjir di Pasar Megang Sakti, Masyarakat Apresiasi Tindakan Cepat Informasi spesifik apa yang bisa Anda dapatkan dari video tersebut? What specific information can you get from the video? Answer: From the video and the conversation presented, several specific pieces of information can be gathered: 1. Health Perception vs. Reality: The person speaking, Massa, has health habits that are not great, but they feel comfortable with their appearance and overall look. However, the video aims to highlight that looking fine externally doesn't necessarily reflect the state of one's internal health. 2. Importance of Internal Health: The video emphasizes that even if someone looks good on the outside, it's crucial to consider what's happening internally. Eating an unhealthy diet, such as one consisting of junk food like pizza, burgers, and fries, can have significant negative effects on internal organs and overall health. BACA JUGA:Keutamaan Sedekah di Bulan Ramadhan, Amalan Penghapus Dosa dan Pintu Ketakwaan BACA JUGA:Batas Akhir Pendaftaran UTBK-SNBT 2025 Semakin Dekat, Simak Jadwal dan Cara Daftarnya 3. Impact on Pancreas and Insulin: The pancreas is responsible for releasing insulin after meals, especially those high in sugar. Even if someone appears to be a normal weight, the body may still struggle to respond effectively to insulin, potentially leading to diabetes and cardiovascular risks. 4. Visceral Fat and Internal Damage: Visceral fat, the fat that surrounds internal organs, can accumulate even in individuals who aren't visibly overweight. This fat can lead to internal damage and health problems, even if the person appears slim externally. 5. Osteoporosis Risk: Poor dietary choices, lack of weight-bearing exercise, and excessive soda consumption can contribute to a higher risk of osteoporosis, especially for women. This can lead to weakened bones and increased fracture risk later in life. BACA JUGA:Resep Kue Putri Salju: Kue Klasik yang Lumer di Mulut, Cocok untuk Lebaran BACA JUGA:Banjir Landa 10 Daerah di Sumsel, Termasuk Muratara, Produksi Padi Tetap StabilKunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA Halaman 126 Kurikulum Merdeka
Jumat 14-03-2025,12:00 WIB
Reporter : Rita Rahmawati
Editor : Rita Rahmawati
Kategori :
Jumat 14-03-2025,12:00 WIB
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA Halaman 126 Kurikulum Merdeka
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