Pembahasan Section 4 Worksheet 3.14 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Pembahasan Section 4 Worksheet 3.14 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Pembahasan Section 4 Worksheet 3.14 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9--ist

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Indirect speech: ....

5. Direct speech: The security oicer asked, “Do you want to meet the professor?”

Indirect speech: ....

Jawaban Worksheet 3.14

1. Direct speech: Monita asked, “Where am I?”

Indirect speech: Monita asked where she was.

2. Direct speech: “Excuse me, what place is this?” asked Monita.

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Indirect speech: Monita asked what place it was.

3. Direct speech: “May I borrow the newspaper?” asked Monita.

Indirect speech: Monita asked if she may borrow the newspaper.

4. Direct speech: Monita asked, “Where can I buy this newspaper?”
