Latihan Soal Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP/MTs Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

Latihan Soal Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP/MTs Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

Latihan Soal Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP/MTs Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban--ist

SILAMPARITV.CO.ID - Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) menjadi momen penting bagi siswa kelas 7 untuk mengukur pemahaman mereka terhadap materi yang telah dipelajari. Salah satu mata pelajaran yang diuji adalah Bahasa Inggris, yang mencakup berbagai aspek seperti kosakata, tata bahasa, membaca, dan menulis.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP/MTs beserta kunci jawabannya, yang dapat dijadikan referensi dalam persiapan menghadapi ujian:

1. Which of the following is an example of a positive imperative sentence? A. "Please sit quietly during the class."

B. "Don't forget to bring your homework tomorrow."

C. "Don't open your book."

D. "Why is the sky so blue today?"


2. "Close the windows before you leave."

What does this sentence mean?

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A. It means we want someone to close the windows.

B. It means we should leave the windows open.

C. It means we want someone to clean the windows.

D. It means we should ignore the windows.


Read the procedure text below to answer questions






* 2 cups cooked rice

* 2 eggs

* 1 carrot (diced)

* 1 small onion (chopped)

* 2 cloves garlic (minced) tast

* 2 tablespoons soy sauce

* 1 tablespoon cooking oil

* Salt and pepper to taste



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1. Put oil in the pan and turn on medium heat.

2. Crack eggs, stir until cooked.

3. Put in diced carrot. Stir until it softens.

4. Add cooked rice, and then mix well.

5. Pour Soy Sauce, sprinkle with salt and pepper and stir to mix evenly.


Your tasty Indonesian fried rice is ready!


3. What do you add first to the pan?


A. Rice

B. Eggs

C. Carrot

D. Oil


4 When do you put in the diced carrot?


A. After cooking eggs

B. After adding rice

C. At the beginning

D. After pouring soy sauce


5 Why do we need to add seasoning?


A. To add color to the dish

B. To make it spicy

C. To enhance the flavor

D. To cool it down


6. If a school event starts at 9:30 AM and lasts for 2 hours, what time will it end?


A. 10:30 AM

B. 11:30 AM

C. 12:30 PM

D. 1:30 PM


Read the conversation below

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Nadine: "Hey, what do you have on Monday?"


Nara. "I've got PE, English, and Maths on Monday. How about you, Nadine?"


Nadine: "Nice! I have Social Sciences.


What time do you have Social Sciences?"


Nara. "I have it on Thursday at 10:20. When's your class?"


Nadine: "Oh, I don't have it on Thursday."


7. What are they talking about?


A. They are discussing the school

B. They are discussing the class schedule*

C. They are discussing favorite subjects

D. They are discussing the homework


8. When does Nara have Social Sciences?


A Monday at 10:20

B Thursday at 10:20

C Wednesday at 01:30

D Monday at 08:40



Read the text below to answer question number 9-11

BACA JUGA:Program P5 SD Negeri 12 Lubuklinggau: Menanamkan Gaya hidup Berkelanjutan Melalui Pembelajaran Interaktif

BACA JUGA:Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Penilaian Harian Biologi Kelas 11 SMA/MA Kurikulum Merdeka: Materi Sistem Ekskresi


Online classes have become a big part of our school routine. Instead of heading to the classroom, we grab our laptops and join virtual classes from home. It's like having school on the internet! We see our teachers and classmates on the screen, and we use cool features like breakout rooms to work together. But sometimes, staring at the screen for too long can make us feel a bit tired that's called screen fatigue. The good thing is, we can still chat with our friends in the online class chatbox and ask questions during the virtual lessons. Even though it's different, online classes help us keep learning and stay connected, making the best out of our digital school adventures!


9. What is "screen fatigue" mentioned in the passage?


A. A game played during online classes.

B. Feeling tired from staring at the screen for too long.

C. A virtual activity using cool features.

D. A new internet trend among teens.


10. How do students work together in online classes?


A. By playing virtual games.

B. Using the online class chatbox.

C. Attending physical classrooms.

D. Engaging in screen fatigue activities.


11 What is the main advantage of online classes?


A. More time for outdoor activities.

B. Avoiding interactions with classmates.

C. Staying connected and continuing learning.

D. Decreasing the use of laptops.

Read the conversation below to answer the question Dodi: I’m very surprised about the test Chika was cheating when doing the test but she gets better result than me. This is injustice.

Kuma : You don’t have to be worried. You are the winner when choosing the honest way.


12. From the dialogue, we know that Dodi feels very ....


A. Hopeless

B. angry

C. happy

D. sad

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The following conversation is used to answer question number 13 until 17


Siti : This park is shady and the flowers are colorful. I .... this park. (5)

Lina : I do, too. This is a .... park. (6)

Edo : Look! There are butterflies.

Dayu : They are ... (7)

Beni : There are garbage cans too. We can keep this park .... (8)

Udin : I like studying here. The weather is nice. The park is beautiful. And, it’s a …. day.(9)


13. What is the most suitable answer for question number one


A. Want to go to

B. Hate

C. Like

D. Feel


14. What is the most suitable answer for question number two


A. Dirty

B. Wonderful

C. City

D. Ugly


15. What is the most suitable answer for question number three


A. Pretty

B. Boring

C. Flying

D. Dirty


16. What is the most suitable answer for question number four


A. Ugly

B. Dirty

C. Wonderful

D. Clean


17. What is the most suitable answer for question number five


A. Beautiful

B. Horrible

C. Terrible

D. Pretty


The text below is for questions number 18-22


My House


I am Putri. I live in Sukabumi. My house is at no.25 Jl.Pemuda North Sukabumi. It’s not a big house. It’s medium. It’s painted grey. It has two floors. I like it anyway. It has a small garden and a palm and a mango tree in front of the house. It looks green and nice.

My house has four bedroom, two living rooms, a dining room, a kitchen and two bathrooms. My bedroom is in the front part of the house, next to the living room. My parents’ room is in the middle part of the house next to the dining room. The kitchen and the bathroom are at the back part of the house. I love my house very much.

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18. Where does Putri live?


A. Surabaya

B. Bandung

C. Jakarta

D. Sukabumi


19. How many floors that Putri had in her house?


A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four


20. Does Putri’s house has a garden?


A. Yes it doesn’t

B. No, it doesn’t

C. Yes, it does

D. No, it does


21. Where is putri’s bedroom?


A. In front of the garden

B. In front of her parents room

C. Next to the living room

D. Next to the kitchen


22. Where can we find the kitchen and the bathroom?


A. At the back part of the house

B. In the middle part of the house

C. At the back of living room

D. Next to the living room


23. Rearrange these words into the correct sentence.


always - on time - join - class - the - I


A. I always join the class on time

B. I always on time join the class

C. Join the class I always on time

D. The class on time I always join


24. I like my hometown. It is cool and green. There are my new building. The street and the markets are clean. There are many plants on the sides of the road. But I don’t like something about my town. The traffic is rather dangerous.


The writer doesn’t like his hometown because .....


A. There are new building

B. The town is not clean

C. The town has many plants

D. The traffic is dangerous

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25. I have never missed any assignments because I ... set reminders.


A. Always

B. Sometimes

C. Seldom

D. Never



1. A 11. C 21. C

2. A 12. D 22. A

3. D 13. C 23. A

4. A 14. B 24. D

5. C 15. A 25. A

6. B 16. D

7. B 17. A

8. B 18. D

9. B  19. B













10. B  20. C

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